The most beautiful thing we can experience is the mysterious. It is the source of all true art and all science. He to whom this emotion is a stranger, who can no longer pause to wonder and stand rapt in awe, is as good as dead: his eyes are closed. – Albert Einstein

Friday, May 15, 2015

Biology Extra Credit Opportunities

- All extra credit tasks need to be handed in to Ms. LC by Friday, June 5th in order to be graded for quarter 4. 

- All extra credit work should have a heading identifying it as EXTRA CREDIT

- Only high quality work will be graded. 

- All extra credit points will be awarded in the HW/CW category, and you can't earn more than 100% in this category.

1. Follow this link to an article about giant stickbugs and write a one-page response (15 points).

2. Watch this video of a mimic octopus doing its thing. Then, follow this link to an article about a fish mimicking the mimic octopus. Write a one-page response to what you see. Be sure to explain what a "mimic" is and how the fish can be said to be "mimicking a mimic". Relate your response to what we have discussed in class. (15 points).

3. Read  this article about the coconut octopus and watch this video. Write a one-page response including your reaction to the video and article (make it clear that you saw each!). Relate your response to what we have discussed in class (15 points).

4. Read this article about the evolution of zebra stripes. Write a response explaning your thoughts on the theory of zebra evolution. Embed one quote from the article to support your reaction (10 points). 

5. Read this article about a transitional species called Tiktaalik. Write a response and be sure to answer the following questions (10 points):
  • What is a transitional form? What makes Tiktaalik an example of a transitional form?
  • Which features of Tiktaalik are similar to those of fishes? Which features of Tiktaalik are similar to those of four-legged vertebrates?
  • Tiktaalik did not live on land, yet it had many features that terrestrial vertebrates alive today have. How can we explain those features? Were they adaptations? If so what were they adaptations for?
  • Breifly explain how over time Tiktaalik could have lead to humans. 
6. Read this article about tears turning off men and then write a response. Relate your response to what we have discussed in class (10 points).

7. Read this article about the evolution of crying and then write a response. Relate your response to what we have discussed in class (10 points).

Parasitism Homework

Visit the following links and read up on and view some weird parasitic relationships. Choose from:

- Hair Worms
- Jewel Wasp
- Cordyceps Unilateralis.
- Lancet Liver Fluke
- Leucochloridium Paradoxum

- Write a detailed paragraph explaining the relationship described on the website as well as your reaction, and PASS IT IN.
- You need to do at least one to earn credit for the HW assignment - due May 29th
- You can earn 2 lab points for each additional relationship you write about - due June 5th 

Friday, January 30, 2015

ARR # 5 Period 5

What happens in spinal cord injury? Find out here. In the space below, leave a comment. You should react to the article AS WELL AS your classmates' comments. Feel free to pose questions that will invigorate the conversation.

ARR # 5 Period 3

What happens in spinal cord injury? Find out here. In the space below, leave a comment. You should react to the article AS WELL AS your classmates' comments. Feel free to pose questions that will invigorate the conversation.

ARR # 5 Period 2

What happens in spinal cord injury? Find out here. In the space below, leave a comment. You should react to the article AS WELL AS your classmates' comments. Feel free to pose questions that will invigorate the conversation.